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Service Provision Logo

Service Provision

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Harris Voluntary Service This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 15/08/2024

Harris Voluntary Services organises and delivers a range of services to the local community. Services provided:·       

  • Third Sector support on governance, charity law, and related issues.
  • Funding updates, advice, and applications on behalf of voluntary organisations.
  • Service provision: youth activities, peer-support for people living with long-term conditions and chronic pain; and events targeting social isolation.
  • Harris Hardship Fund is available to anyone struggling.
  • Access to office services e.g. computer, scanner, projector, printer, photocopier.
  • Training, workshops, and events relevant to Third Sector organisations.


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Old Primary School, West Tarbert, Isle of Harris, HS3 3BG

Social Activity
Youth Group
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Digital Access
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