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Garadh a Bhagh a Tuath

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Garadh a Bhagh a Tuath This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 19/06/2024

Provide volunteering opportunities for all weekdays in both the garden and cafe settings, Monday to Friday led by our garden managers and cafe supervisors.

  • Weekly health walks on Friday at 10:30 am catering for all fitness levels and abilities.
  • Weekly Gentle movement and relaxation classes on Friday at 11:30 and are suitable for all fitness levels and abilities.
  • Thursday parent and tot sessions are open to all including a subsidised lunch.
  • Monthly events throughout the year include Burns lunch, Valentine's, Easter, summer fun days, Halloween, Christmas and other winter events.
  • Access to the Food larder hosted by the Garadh
  • Morning gentle exercise
  • Health walks
  • Monthly events including StorytellingParent & Tot sessions

Volunteers are provided with a subsidised lunch and hot drink daily.

Volunteer forms are available form the Garadh office.


Navigate to each location using the following links below

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Garadh a Bhagh a Tuath, Bothan, Isle of Barra, HS9 5YQ

Mental Health
Physical Health
Physical Activity
Exercise and Get Fit
Outdoor Activity
Social Activity
Group Trip
Social Group
Community Garden
Community Cafe
Skills and Training
Adult Day Care
Children and Families
Additional Support Needs
Parent and Toddler Group
Community Growing
Community Centre
Community Composting
Green Spaces
Climate Action
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resources
Recreational Grounds
Food Pantry
Warm Spaces
Open to All
A group of people sitting at a table looking at someone telling a story.
A large bright room with peoople sitting and standing in a circle moving their arms.
Large building with lots of glass windows, a walkway with an entrance to the garden.


Gentle movement class
Our cafe and garden entrance

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