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Riding, Vaulting and Equine related therapeutic learning

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Equi-Power Central Scotland RDA This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 27/05/2024

Equine assisted therapeutic learning spending time with horses – petting them, helping care for them, standing with them, walking them, exercising them and interacting with them can bring enormous benefits. Horses never judge and they are very intuitive as to how someone is feeling eg if they are scared, anxious, upset. They do not respond to verbal commands, rather non-verbal.

Social riding apart from the enjoyment there are many physical benefits from riding a horse for people with disabilities. The movement that riding stimulates is very good for helping with building core strength - muscles are stimulated that otherwise would not be. Riders develop stronger posture; gains valuable strength, flexibility and fitness.

Vaulting (gymnastics on horseback). Vaulters learn routines starting on vaulting barrels and then progressing onto the horse. In most cases there are 2 or 3 children / young people on 1 horse at a time. There are real therapeutic and learning benefits for participants.


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Physical Activity
Social Activity
Skills and Training
Additional Support Needs
Children and Young People
Disabled People
People Living with Long Term Conditions
Two children sitting on top of a horse, they looking at the camera and waving.ving
A child looking at the camera and waving, they are sitting on top of a larger brown and white horse.
A small child reaching up to kiss a large brow horse's face.


Equine assisted therapeutic learning

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