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Agape Wellbeing

Agape Wellbeing in East Kilbride is dedicated to helping the local community achieve positive wellbeing through services and activities.

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Agape Wellbeing

This is a Claimed service

All levels of folks who can Knit are welcome to join this free group

Agape Wellbeing

This is a Claimed service

An informal group ran by men for men of all ages, Activities are wide and ranging and like all our services this is free

Agape Wellbeing

This is a Claimed service

Listening Ear is a free confidential service, where staff listen intently to what is being said and signpost on as and when required.

Baby Massage

This is a Claimed service

Looking for a way to bond with your baby?

Join our baby massage course.

Bring mind, body and spirit together through the power of touch. The power of touch to sooth and heal is intensive, and d...

Craft group

This is a Claimed service

Arts and Crafts is a weekly service ran on a Thursday , in which we undertake a variety of activities led by the group.


This is a Claimed service

Mindfulness is a free service that we provide at Agape Wellbeing. The aim is to help you relax and understand ourselves better

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