Relationships Scotland Tayside and Fife
We support people when high family conflict, relationship difficulties and/or parental separation threaten their well-being, resilience, living arrangements and prospects and specifically, any children involved.
We offer appointments focused on resolving relationship difficulties and conflict, improving individuals’ mental health and wellbeing and resilience: family mediation, counselling and therapeutic support, and children's contact. The Service mainly offers appointments Monday - Thursday 9-5 pm, and Friday mornings. The Children's Contact Centres are open on Saturdays (and also mid-week in Dundee, only). We offer online, telephone and face to face appointments.
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We support people from the youngest to oldest across Tayside and Fife, with relationship problems and family conflict, to enable them to build bridges and develop positive relationships.
Contact information
You can use the information below to get in touch with Relationships Scotland Tayside and Fife