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Aberlour Options Disability Service - Aberdeen

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Aberlour Children's Charity This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 17/12/2024

We provide short breaks and care at home for children and young people with a disability.

Based in Aberdeen City and serving the whole of the North-East, we offer three different services: Short breaks, Care at Home and The Inclusion Service.

We have two short breaks centres based in Aberdeen, providing children and young people with a safe, nurturing, homely environment. We create experience and opportunities to develop skills, build relationships and have fun. Short breaks can range from a few hours to overnight stays.

Our Care at Home service supports young people with personal care in their own environment. We also work with parents and provide them with behaviour support strategies, to equip children for significant changes in their lives.

The Inclusion Service helps children aged 5-18 who cannot access mainstream education services. We offer a variety of support to reintegrate them back into the school environment.

  • Aberdeen City
  • Aberdeenshire

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Self Directed Support
Short Breaks
Care Home
Additional Support Needs

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