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Nemo Arts

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Nemo Arts This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 18/12/2023

From Sunday 24th December through to Sunday 31st March Nemo Arts will host a wellbeing drop in from 12pm - 4pm every Sunday.

Within the session we will serve a hot meal, we will also be providing a range of activities including painting, colouring, crafts and games.

The service is here to support adults who are experiencing isolation, the sessions are warm and friendly and they are a great opportunity to meet people and just have a chat.

There'd no need to register for the service, just drop in between 12pm - 4pm on a Sunday.


Navigate to each location using the following links below

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Nemo Arts Studio, 130 Bridgegate, Glasgow, G1 5HZ

Mental Health
Creative and Cultural Activity
Arts and Crafts
Social Group
Free Meals
Mental health

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