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Family Supporters Edinburgh  Logo

Family Supporters Edinburgh

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Volunteering Matters This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 29/05/2024

We recruit, train, match and provide ongoing support to adult volunteers – local people from across the City – who are there for families every step of the way. Normally committing to a few hours per week, volunteers spend time supporting parents and families to reach their goals, normally in the family home or in the community. The programme supports parents and families in a bespoke, personalised and flexible way. This may include help to improve health and wellbeing, enhance living standards, support with housing, guidance to move into Education, Employment or Training, help around family routines, budgeting, and much more.

  • City of Edinburgh

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Food and Nutrition
Housing and Homelessness
Rights and Representation
Education and Employability
Children and Families
Parent and Family Support
Community Resources
Community Empowerment
Children and Young People
Parents and Families

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