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PEEK - Possibilities for Each and Every Kid Logo

PEEK - Possibilities for Each and Every Kid

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: PEEK - Possibilities for Each and Every Kid This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 28/01/2025

We want to enhance possibilities for children, young people and families over Glasgow.

Our Vision: Children, young people and families are free from a life of poverty and inequality.

Our Mission: We will work with children, young people and families to improve life chances.

Come along to one of our many sessions aimed at children, young people, and adults, aimed at increasing your confidence, and eradicating social exclusions though playing, creating, cooking and support services.

Check out our website to see what's on and how PEEK can support you and your family.

  • Glasgow City

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Food and Nutrition
Children and Families
Children and Young People
Ethnic Minorities
LGBTQ+ Community
Parents and Families
Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Unpaid Carers

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