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Flexible Homelessness Outreach Support Service Glasgow South

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Turning Point Scotland This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 11/12/2024

The Flexible Homelessness Outreach Support Service assists people with different levels of support needs: from low level to more complex needs, to progress from emergency and temporary accommodation and other homelessness services into a permanent tenancy. Turning Point Scotland is operating this service in two sectors of Glasgow, the North West and the South.

Who is the service for?

People with repeat presentations of homelessness with complex needs including mental health vulnerabilities, physical or learning disabilities, alcohol or substance dependency issues.

The service will be provided 365 days a year from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday and from 10am-6pm at weekends and public holidays.


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Housing and Homelessness
Housing Support

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