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North Lanarkshire Befriending Project

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Volunteering Matters This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 11/03/2024

Young people, families, and the wider community benefit from the befriending project in North Lanarkshire delivered by the national charity Volunteering Matters. An especially important aspect is to allow young carers aged 8-18 regular opportunities to access social activities which can be sustained beyond the befriending relationship. The Befriending relationship empowers young people to make their own choices, with befrienders also providing emotional support where needed. It also gives the young person ‘time out’ from the home life and education to experience activities they would not usually be able to -an opportunity to have fun with their befriender. We endeavour for the befriender to build relationships with young carers (aged between 8-18years old) and become a good role model to them. The aim is to form good working relationships, reduce isolation and increase wellbeing and both parties having fun in doing so.

  • North Lanarkshire

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