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LGBT+ telephone befriending (rainbow call companions) Logo

LGBT+ telephone befriending (rainbow call companions)

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Re-engage This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 16/09/2024

At Re-engage we offer a free telephone befriending service specifically for LGBT+ people over the age of 75. You will be matched with a volunteer who is also LGBT+ and receive a friendly call every week or two. Our friendly rainbow call companions love a good chat and they’re great listeners too. What’s great is that the same volunteer phones you every time, so you can get to know each other and share stories and laughter – for as long as you both want.

  • Scotland

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Free to use service and unrestricted service length
The befriending service is accessed through a telephone, landline or mobile. Phone number is hidden from the volunteer and all calls are recorded for safeguarding but only listened to when required.
LGBTQ+ Health
LGBTQ+ Community
Older Adults
Older Man with glasses on, reflection of a rainbow on his face.


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