Edinburgh Parkinson's Social Cafe Marchmont
This is a Claimed service
Monthly social café ideal for the newly diagnosed, and any person with Parkinson’s, family members or care partners. Free tea, coffee and cakes are provided. Meets at Butterflies Café, at St Giles (Marchmont).
10.30 am to 12 Noon, 2nd Monday of the month.
A range of Parkinson’s UK and Edinburgh Branch information is normally available.
There is some Blue Badge parking available on-site and metered parking on Kilgraston Road.
The number 5 bus stops around the corner in Grange Loan. (Updated 08.09.22)
Please refer to our website for up-to-date information on the dates of our get-togethers.
Navigate to each location using the following links below
Butterflies Cafe, Marchmont St Giles Church, Kilgraston Road, Edinburgh, EH9 2DW
Contact information
You can use the information below to get in touch with Edinburgh Parkinson's Social Cafe Marchmont