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Old Machar Medical Practice Logo

Old Machar Medical Practice

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Old Machar Medical Practice This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 17/04/2024

The way in which GP practices provide services means that each service is divided into a category. All GP's must provide essential services, but the range of additional and enhanced services that practices provide will differ.

Essential Services - All GP practices are contracted to provide “essential services”, that is, the basic treatment of people who are unwell.

Some of the Additional Services we provide are:

*Child health surveillance, together with the Health Visiting team.

*Contraceptive services including oral contraceptive pills, contraceptive injections and implant fitting, and IUCD (coil) insertion.

*Maternity services in the ante-natal and post-natal period, together with the midwives from the Aberdeen Maternity Hospital.

Some of the Enhanced Services we provide are:

*An annual flu immunisation programme for elderly and other 'at risk patients'.

*Regular monitoring for patients on a range of drugs for arthritis and bowel problems.

*Regular monitoring for patients on warfarin.

  • Aberdeen City
  • Mid Formartine

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Via eConsult electronic consultations to registered patients.
Sexual Health
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Women's Health
Men's Health
LGBTQ+ Health
Health and Social Care Services
End of Life
Home Visiting
People Living with Long Term Conditions

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