In Aberdeen, we have high quality self-contained furnished accommodation available to let to people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and require support. We also support young people before they move into supported accommodation and when they move on providing wraparound support throughout their homeless journey and beyond. Referral to the Foyer's housing services in Aberdeen City is through Aberdeen City Council Housing Advice Service.
Referral to the Foyer's housing services in Aberdeen City is through Aberdeen City Council Housing Advice Service. The homelessness helpline number is 0800 917 6379 (24 hours)
In Aberdeenshire, we provide an outreach housing support service to young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness living in both temporary and permanent accommodation.
For Aberdeenshire, referral is through Aberdeenshire Council’s Homelessness Service. Call them at 01467 530577 (out of hours 03456 081206).
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Contact information
You can use the information below to get in touch with Housing for young people