Dundee Blind and Partially Sighted Society
This is a Claimed service
Activities Timetable -
£10 per day including activities, 2 course home cooked lunch and refreshments
11am-3pm - Quiz, Guest Speakers, Boccia etc & Lunch
11am -1.15pm - Indoor Games & Lunch
1.30pm-3pm - Prize Bingo (pay for cards & tea/coffee)
11am-1.15pm - Fun Drum & Lunch
1.30pm -3pm - Choir
11am-1.15pm - Line Dancing & Lunch
1.30pm-3pm - Prize Bingo (pay for cards & tea/coffee)
11am-13.45pm - Armchair Aerobics/Dancing & Lunch
Navigate to each location using the following links below
Thomas Herd House, 10-12 Ward Road, Dundee, DD1 1LX
Contact information
You can use the information below to get in touch with Dundee Blind and Partially Sighted Society