Support to help you plan for the future
This is a Claimed service
Thinking ahead and planning for the future is important, particularly in the event of an emergency, if you are no longer able to look after the person you care for or the health of the person you care for deteriorates. It also ensures things are done in a way that you and the person you care for consent and agree to.
Through Adult Carer Support Plan conversations, Lanarkshire Carers can support you to prepare for the future through Anticipatory and Emergency planning, which can provide you with peace of mind and ensure that the relevant people have the necessary information to understand what needs to happen if required.
A range of legal services are also available to carers through Lanarkshire Carers, delivered in partnership with a range of local and national providers. This includes information, advice and support with Will Writing, Power of Attorney, Guardianship and other legal aspects relating to caring.
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Contact information
You can use the information below to get in touch with Support to help you plan for the future