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Ripple Lunch Club

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Ripple Project (The Ripple) This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 02/10/2023

The daily Lunch Club provides a hot meal and valuable companionship to up to thirty vulnerable local older people in our community. For many, attendance at the Club provides a focus for their day and an opportunity to get out the house to have a hot meal while enjoying the company of others. Door-to-door transport can be arranged for those who cannot easily make their own way, however spaces are limited and for members living Restalrig and Lochend.

The Club runs Monday to Friday 11.15am to 1.00pm

A two course hot meal with tea/coffee and biscuits costs £4.50 per day and a small fee of 50p is charged for the bus. We do ask that meals are pre-booked at least 1 day in advance and can be paid for on the day.


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Food and Nutrition
Social Activity
Lunch Club

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