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Renfrewshire Improving the Cancer Journey

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Renfrewshire Improving the Cancer Journey This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 26/10/2020

Who can access the service?
If you have been diagnosed with cancer and you live in Renfrewshire, you can access the service. The Improving the Cancer Journey (ICJ) team will also be on hand to help your family and/or carers. You can self-refer for this service or can ask someone to fill out a referral form on your behalf.

How can the service help me?
This service is about working together to help people with cancer live life as fully as they can. You can talk to us about how you feel, get help with money and housing worries, emotional support or help at home, whatever matters to you.

Find out more
If you would like to refer yourself to the service please call us on the number below, email us directly or use the referral form on the website.

  • Renfrewshire

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Rights and Representation
Health and Social Care Services

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This service has been claimed but you can help keep this page up to date by requesting to help manage the information.

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