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Aberlour Futures - Aberdeen

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Aberlour Children's Charity This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 17/12/2024

Aberlour Futures offers training and qualifications for the Early Learning and Childcare workforce in Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire.

Are you interested in accessing childcare training? Would you like to achieve the qualifications you need, to set you on the path to a career working with children? Or do you already have experience working with children, and want to learn more?

For adults with existing experience in the childcare sector, we offer SVQ training, and Professional Development Courses to help you enhance your childcare practice. We also partner with local childcare employers to deliver tailored training to equip staff with new skills for their workplace.

We also offer Foundation and Modern Apprenticeship programmes aimed at secondary school pupils and young professionals. Our programmes are delivered in partnership with secondary schools in Aberdeen and include Skills for Work in Early Learning and Childcare and the FA in Social Services Children and Young People.

  • Aberdeen City
  • Aberdeenshire
  • Highland
  • Orkney Islands
  • Shetland Islands

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Work Preparation
Early Years

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