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Dumfriesshire Foodbank

Delivered by: The Trussell Trust
Last updated: 25/02/2020

Get in touch with your nearest foodbank either by telephone or email and explain your situation. The foodbank will be able to tell you which referral agencies they work with in your area and how you can get a voucher.

Arrange a visit to the referral agency specified by the foodbank. You will discuss being issued with a foodbank voucher if appropriate.

Take the voucher to your nearest foodbank centre

Once at the foodbank, you will be met by trained volunteers who will sit down with you to discuss your situation and provide a food parcel.

Volunteers meet clients over a warm drink or free hot meal and are able to signpost people to agencies able to solve the longer-term problem.

Please note that you must have a food voucher in order to receive help from the foodbank.


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Food and Nutrition

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