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Patients Support Service

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Visibility Scotland This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 12/11/2021

Visibility Scotland’s Eye clinic patient support services provide high quality information, advice and emotional support for people experiencing sight loss, their families and carers.

Working in partnership with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Lanarkshire, Visibility Scotland has Patient Support Services within the eye departments in the following hospitals:-

NHSGGC Hospitals:
New Victoria
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
Royal Alexandra Hospital
Inverclyde Royal Hospital
Vale of Leven

NHS Lothian hospitals:
The Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion

  • City of Edinburgh
  • East Dunbartonshire
  • East Lothian
  • East Renfrewshire
  • Glasgow City
  • Inverclyde
  • Midlothian
  • Renfrewshire
  • West Dunbartonshire
  • West Lothian

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Physical Health
Blind / Visual Impairment

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