Active Lifestyles
This is a Claimed service
Inclusive opportunities for everyone to get active.
No matter your age, gender or ability, our Active Lifestyles team have created an inclusive range of opportunities, programmes and events to enable everyone to by physically active and well.
Joining our Active Lifestyles Community will enable you to stay socially connected and active, supporting and improving your well-being. Whether you are an older adult, just starting out, recovering from an injury or living with a health condition there is something from everyone.
Activities include exercise classes, walking groups, sports, dance and swimming and these take place across the City.
Classes are grouped into three intensity levels, and these are a guide to help you find the right opportunity for you.
Some people may be eligible to attend our referral classes which have been specially designed to support people living with a range of long-term health conditions. For more information on referral classes please contact the team.
Please contact the team to discuss opportunities, or visit the website using the link below for our current programme of activities taking place throughout Aberdeen City.
Contact information
You can use the information below to get in touch with Active Lifestyles