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Vibrant Communities Lifeskills and Inclusion Multiply Logo

Vibrant Communities Lifeskills and Inclusion Multiply

This is a Claimed service
Delivered by: Vibrant Communities Lifeskills and Inclusion Multiply This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated: 09/07/2024

The Lifeskills and Inclusion Multiply team provide numeracy learning opportunities for parents, families and adults 16+ who reside within East Ayrshire. Multiply provides first step courses to numeracy learning and accredited formal learning opportunities specific to money management and lifeskills. The Essential Skills staff can help you – • build your confidence with numeracy everyday lifeskills. • build your confidence in handling money and budgeting money. • support your numeracy learning so you are better equipped to support your child’s numeracy learning • progress onto formal numeracy qualifications

  • East Ayrshire

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Education and Employability
Children and Families
Community Resources
Open to All
Logo of “East Ayrshire Council,” featuring a shield with the council’s name in blue text, along with its Gaelic equivalent.
A piggy bank with a stethoscope on a blue background, promoting a UK Govt campaign for people to improve numeracy skills with a "Money MOT."
Two people baking. The overlaid text reads, “I cant do maths,” emphasising that maths is used in cooking and baking.


East Ayrshire Council
Money MOT
Multiply Numeracy 1st Steps

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