Wellness in the Woods
This is a Claimed service
Delivered by:
Getting Better Together Ltd
This is a Claimed organisation
Last updated:
Wellness in the Woods!
Holistic Therapies Group
- Art in nature
- Mediation
- Forest Sound Bathing
- Drumming
Every Wednesday from 21 February - 27 March.
Leave GBT at 10 am, and return at noon (transport included).
This 6-week block sees us take our holistic groups outdoors into nature for £4 per session or all 6 for only £12. (Beechbrae Woodland, Blackridge, West Lothian)
Please contact the centre by telephone, email or even pop in and say hello.
Navigate to each location using the following links below
Mental Health
Physical Activity
Creative and Cultural Activity
Social Activity
Green Spaces
Natural Environment
Contact information
You can use the information below to get in touch with Wellness in the Woods