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Support Choices

Support Choices Logo

Support Choices offers free independent information, advice and support service which helps people through the process of accessing social care. This might be by helping to apply for a budget (Self-Directed Support) from the local authority or by being put in touch with other local services, community groups or peer support.

We aim to ensure people have the information they need about what is available to them so that they can make informed choices. We work with people of all ages. Most of the people we work with have a physical disability or a mental health condition.

We are independent of all other services and support people one to one by finding out what is important to them or the person they are caring for.

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This is a Claimed organisation


Support Choices

This is a Claimed service
  • Perth and Kinross

Support Choices offers free independent information, advice and support service which helps people to through the process of accessing social care. This might be by helping to apply for a budget (Self-Dire...

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