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Pollokshields Community Food Point

Pollokshields Community Food Point Logo

Food Point providing fresh and dry food to self-referral households in G41 struggling to afford adequate groceries and referrals from trusted agencies for other postcodes. Personalised emergency & food top up service. Mutual aid org. Friendly, trauma-aware and multicultural. Halal provided. Occasional hot meals. Signposting. Activities & community development projects. Promoting individual & communities wellbeing. Open Saturdays, Sundays &‘ Mondays 3-5pm most weeks of the year. See Twitter for updates.

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Pollokshields Community Food Point

This is a Claimed service

Food Point providing fresh and dry food to self-referral households in G41 and referrals from trusted agencies for other postcodes. Mutual aid org. Friendly, trauma-aware and multicultural

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