Fresh Community Wellness
Operating from Seaton & Linksfield neighbourhoods, and surrounding areas, we are a volunteer lead Mental Health Charity.
Formed during the Covid 19 Pandemic we received our charity status in October 2021. We use lived experience and volunteer led projects.
All of our projects were set up to provide safe spaces for people to come together, build friendships and get back to nature, learn to grow healthy foods, improve the biodiversity and the natural environment of Seaton & Linksfield, learn new skills, combat loneliness and getting people talking about their health and mental wellbeing.
We are fully inclusive, without barriers or labels and we are committed to positive change.
We work closely with other community groups and a network of charity contacts to help support them and promote good mental wellbeing.
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Navigate to each location using the following links below
Seaton Neighbourhoods United Garden, our main community garden of 2,000 square metres, is open to the whole community, as well as any guests, looking to explore the beauty of Seaton neighbourhoods.
Contact information
You can use the information below to get in touch with Fresh Community Wellness