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Spruce Carpets

This is a Claimed organisation

Spruce Carpets provide new, unused offcuts and surplus stock, carpets, carpet tiles and vinyl to households, Housing Associations and businesses. We have our own fitters and delivery vehicles. Here at Spr...


Barnardo’s transforms the lives of the most vulnerable children across the UK through the work of our services, campaigning and research expertise. We believe we can bring out the very best in every child ...

Action for M.E.

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Action for M.E. takes action to end the ignorance, injustice and neglect faced by people with M.E. We do this by meeting need now to improve the lives of people with M.E. while taking action to secure change ...

Fuse Youth Café Glasgow

This is a Claimed organisation

Fuse Youth Café Glasgow is a charity working in East Glasgow providing a variety of services to young people of the area. The area has a high level of deprivation and the young people face the risks and chall...

Annexe Communities

This is a Claimed organisation

Annexe Communities is a leading charity and community enterprise with over 16 years' experience of delivering highly successful health and wellbeing initiatives to the socially disadvantaged in West Glasgow. ...

Technology Enabled Care

happy, safe and independent in their own homes. It involves using different systems such as alarms, sensors, medication dispensers, home health monitoring or text messaging services, which are used in your ow...


We give members with disabilities access to the resources they require and support them to grow, learn and develop so that they can achieve their goals within society rather than feel isolated in their own ho...

Crookston Community Group

Working in partnership with local communities, local authorities, statutory and voluntary groups, as well as the private sector, CCG has developed and supports a range of projects, using arts, culture, educat...

Epilepsy Connections

Epilepsy Connections runs a variety of projects and services within the Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Forth Valley and Ayrshire & Arran Health Board areas, offering information, advice and support to peopl...

Drumchapel Food Bank

Drumchapel Foodbank is a community organisation run by KCEDG in partnership with Drumchapel L.I.F.E working to support people facing financial crisis.


Sacro is a Scottish community justice organisation which works to create safer and more cohesive communities across Scotland. Sacro provides a wide range of services spanning all aspects of the community just...

Family Addiction Support Service (FASS)

This is a Claimed organisation

FASS is a confidential support service for parents and adult family members affected by or concerned about a loved one's drug or alcohol use. We offer support, counselling, advice and information to parent...

Glasgow Central Citizens Advice Bureau

At Glasgow Central Citizens' Advice Bureau, we focus on our clients as individuals. We will give you free, confidential, impartial and independent information and advice and we will work with you to help reso...

The Trussell Trust

The Trussell Trust runs a network of over 400 foodbanks, giving emergency food and support to people in crisis across the UK, where thirteen million people live below the poverty line. In the last year we gav...

Glasgow City Youth Health Service

This is a Claimed organisation

The Youth Health Service is a confidential health and wellbeing service available to young people aged 12-19 years. The service operates in evenings at locations throughout Glasgow City and is open to any you...

Alzheimer Scotland

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Alzheimer Scotland is the leading dementia organisation in Scotland. Our aim is to make sure nobody faces dementia alone. We provide support and information to people with dementia, their carers and famili...

The Greater Easterhouse Alcohol Awareness Project (GEAAP)

This is a Claimed organisation

The Greater Easterhouse Alcohol Awareness Project “GEAAP” has been offering a service to the East of Glasgow since 1991. A registered charity in Scotland, charity number SC029951 and a company limited by guar...

C-Change Scotland

We work alongside an individual and the people that know and care about them to plan for the future they want and to support their dream and aspirations to become a reality. Our work is based on a human right...

Glasgow & Clyde Rape Crisis

The Glasgow & Clyde Rape Crisis Centre is a support service for women and girls aged 13 and over who have been raped, sexually assaulted or sexually abused at some point in their lifetime. We support w...